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Android Error Inflating Class Which is Very Interesting

When you want to use support library for Recyclerview or CardView in lower API devices you not only needs to import the v7 library but also needs to import Recycler View and Card View support independently. View buttonView factoryinflatebuttonsListg.

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For example the following color resource caused the problem.

Android error inflating class. Während des Updates wird das Paket nicht als installiert gewertet und der Versuch es im Paket-Manager nachzuschlagen schlägt fehl. Aber die Fehlermeldung besteht immer noch. After I updated it it crashed.

Ich habe versucht alle workaround hier. I guess your problem is not within your xml layout but your buildgradle settings. I am using android studio and added compile pldroidsonroidsgifandroid-gif-drawable122.

The error during inflation might come from drawable used in the ImageView in this case. However I tried to downgrade it to 200 version and its not working anymore. Error inflating class comgoogleandroidmaterialbottomappbarBottomAppBar The view can be anything that is failing to get inflated this kind of error comes when there is a clash in resolving the class names or name attribute of a view referred in the XML file.

To get rid of it replace all the existing images trying a different drawable. Binäre XML-Datei Zeile 8. Fehler beim Aufblasen der Klasse ImageView 7 Ich weiß dass es bei SO noch andere Fragen gibt die dasselbe fragen.

Binary XML file line 1. Binary XML file line 16. In dependencies it works well for Kitkat versions but after adding this in gradle i.

Fehler bei der Verwendung eines Android-Design-Support-Bibliothek-Elemente. Im trying to dynamically inflate a button layout into a recycler view item from my item adapter. Die meisten Antworten beziehen sich auf Speicherfehler.

Error inflating class comfacebook- widgetLoginButton Ich gebaut habe eine Facebook-integration mit den Schritten von 30-Dokumentation. I updated the android studio last weekend. In my case I found that I shouldnt use attr theme reference in color resource.

Dari pengalaman kami error inflasi mungkin berasal dari drawable yang digunakan dalam ImageView dan tentunya setiap aplikasi yang sedang dibangun tidak sama penyebabnya. DllImport attempting to load.

My CollapsingToolbarLayout crashes because of Error inflating class androidsupportdesignwidgetCollapsingToolbarLayout. I believe the line with the return below was auto generated for me and as a result I didnt look at it too closely and didnt notice that it was returning the wrong thing. Es funktioniert gut wenn ich das bereitstellen der app auf meinem Handy die mit Eclispe.

Error inflating class comgoogleandroidgmsadsAdView 11-05 171922109 DMono 9943. Another possible cause of the Error inflating class message could be misspelling the full package name where its specified in XML. In my case the problem was caused by the fact that I failed to return the correct value.

Allerdings wenn ich exportieren Sie die app laden Sie Sie auf die store Seite und laden Sie die apk schlägt es fehl mit der folgenden Fehlermeldung. Bagi Anda pengguna Android Studio pasti pernah mengalami masalah error inflating class imageview. Error inflating class android.

Here is how it looks. Error inflating class comgoogleandroidmaterialtabsTabLayout at androidappActivityThreadperformLaunchActivityActivityThreadjava2295 at androidappActivityThreadhandleLaunchActivityActivityThreadjava2349 at androidappActivityThreadaccess700ActivityThreadjava159. LayoutInflater factory LayoutInflaterfrommContext.

The error during inflation might come from drawable used in the ImageView in this case. Android – error inflating class fragment NameNotFoundException-Webansicht 2 Dies passiert wenn Chrome-Updates auf Android ausgeführt werden. .

Die meisten habe ich mir schon angeschaut. Before the updated it works fine.

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